Adult Christian Learning
The purpose of Adult Christian Learning is to promote the Biblical and Theological Literacy of the congregation and to encourage growth toward spiritual maturity for all adults. The specific programs that are involved are:
- The Academy for Christian Studies
- Continuing Education classes/small study groups
- Enrichment Experiences
- Lenten Studies
Over the past several years we have explored a variety of books and topics that were either direct studies of books in the Bible, aspects of Christianity, and living as Christians in today’s world. Our current study follows the book “Listening to God” by Carolyn Nystrom. Weekly discussions are largely self-contained, so you can jump in at any time without worrying about what you may have missed in earlier weeks.
We meet every Sunday in the Memorial Hall parlor following worship service, from 11:30 to 12:30. Our meetings are informal, educational, and fun—plus, we have snacks. Please join us!