Presbyterian Women

Presbyterian Women


Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves

•to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,

•to support the mission of the church worldwide,

•to work for justice and peace, and

•to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthen the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team (CT)

Welcome to our webpage!

We are an organization that is open to all Christian women. We have about 80 members, and together we enjoy fellowship while worshipping, studying, and doing the work of Christ.

For more information, please send us an email

Circles of Fellowship and Bible Study
Support of Local Programs and Missions
Supporting Our Mission
Association Meeting and Program

We will study selected chapters of

They Walked with God

for the 2024-2025 PW year