Westminister House
The Westminster House ministry makes a difference in the lives of the men and women who come for help and support. They are a success due to the continued support of our Session, Trustees, Deacons, and the recovery group leaders, for what is one of our largest missions of this Church. Meetings used to be held in the Westminster House building on our church campus. Due to problems with the ageing building, meetings were relocated to our Memorial Hall building, directly behind the sanctuary, where they continue to thrive.
There are many meetings every month. Using a very conservative estimate of 10 attendees per meeting for easy math—many meetings are larger—Westminster House touched people over 10,000 times. Now factor in the number of decades that this mission has been in operation, and you can start to understand the impact that the Westminster House mission has had and continues to provide.
These meetings support a range of needs in the overall recovery community from AA and NA for alcoholics and addicts; through Al-Anon, Al-A-Teen, and Adult Children of Alcoholics for the families of those affected by these substance abuses; and for those struggling to deal with problems from gambling, overeating, depression, and anxiety.
And the recovery community is exactly that—a community of many different types of people. Forget the stereotypes from “The Days of Wine and Roses” or the old wino under a bridge. The people who come to Westminster House range from children through octogenarians and older; male and female, homeless to mansions, school dropouts to highly educated working professionals. The diseases and disorders that afflict these people and their families know no boundaries.
The Westminster House ministry is overseen by a group of directors, drawn from both our Church and the recovering community, who meet to address any problems which may arise. In addition to support for meetings, church volunteers serve a hot breakfast in Memorial Hall on the first Saturday of every month to which all are welcome.